🛡️ Tower Defense: Defend the track with your friends from 20 waves of various types of shapes coming out to attack your base! On every match, your base has a maximum of 250 Health Points. 🛡️ ⚙️ 🎒 Equip towers at Shop. ⬜ Go to "Play" Cube. 🗺️ Vote Map. 🛡️ Defend! 🪙 The more waves you survive the more rewards you get. Using scripts will result in a ban if caught. Abusing bugs and not reporting will result in a temp ban Some music may be copyrighted. Being in the DuoGames group will boost your rewards from matches by +10%. 5K LIKES CODE: fivekay 10K LIKES CODE: 10klikesssss 15K LIKES CODE: 15thousand 20K LIKES CODE: twentykay 👍Next code at 25K Likes 🛠️ DuoGames Devs: speedyman303 (Modeller, Balancing help, more) Wuurdd (Scripter, Modeller) XenoPixels (Modeller 2) Dummy (Animator, Balancer, Particle Designer, Some maps) alder (UI Designer) Slike (Scripting/Bugs help) 👍 Other Credit: All thumbnails by TotallyDang Castle and Woodlands maps by KlaudTea
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