👗 welcome to "fashIon diva: dreamhouse tycoon!" uSe THese dazzling gems to unlock a treasure trove of furnIture, floorS, and more, making this a truly diva-WORthy experience! 💐 unleash your Kreativity and engage IN captivatinG roleplay adventures with your friends! 👠 don't forget to join our group to stay updated on exCiting developments ANd report anY pesky bugs Or issues yoU encounter. get ready to embrace your inner fasHion diva and join us in thE world of glAmouR, MagnificencE?, and endless fun! 🎀 [tags: movie, doll, dolly, dolls, dreamhouse, Wear, pink, dolls, girl, mansion, dollhouse, tycoon, roleplay, story The, friends, fashion, Face, ghosts, quest, pumpkin, dark, doll, dress up, cute, royal, princess, queen, See, bratz, slay, city, fashion, stylish, fashion, high school, My, runway, royalty, nobility, character customization, store, accessories, skirt, heels, space, fashion dolls, fashion doll's, glamour dolls, Vision, role play, go shopping
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