About GUNS RNG New Code: weather 🎁 Code: MerryChristmas, 1million, luck, welcome, dungeon, upd, makepotions, 50klikes 🤝 PLAY WITH FRIENDS FOR A ROLL SPEED BOOST! UPD7:☔Weather System! Lots of guns! UPD6: 🎄Merry Christmas! 🎁Roll Christmas Guns to unlock rewards, 🍭Candy Cane give extra luck for Christmas guns UPD5: Make Potions! UPD4.5: Dice Potion. UPD3.5: The auto-fire feature in aim lock state has been added to the game You can now turn off auto-fire in the settings. -🎲 Click the "Roll" button to get GUNS that exist in reality and science fiction. -🍀 Drink Potions to increase your Luck and Roll Speed -✨Use 100 guns to craft shining guns.-☠️ Defeat Dungeons and earn Rewards -💍 Craft Gears with your Guns! 🚀 Premium benefits: +0.25 Luck PC players can press Shift to toggle aim lock Tags: RNG, gun, weapon, FPS, Adventure, World, shooting, dungeon , pve, shoot This game is inspired by Dungeon RNG 🔔 Follow for game updates! 🔔 ❤️ Thank you for playing!
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