Happy Holidays! Use code TISTHESEASON in-game! [ NEXT UPDATE AT 40,000 LIKES👍] [ NEXT CODE AT 125,000 FAVORITES⭐] You're tired of sitting at home all day in your cookie-cutter house in Normalsville, so you think it's finally time you make your parents proud and get a job. Struggling to make end's meet, can you keep up with the frantic pace of this dizzying chaotic multiplayer cooking game? Cook food perfectly to satisfy your customers and make the most money, restock your supply, take routine breaks to restore energy, keep the floors clean of trash and puddles, and upgrade the diner to keep it afloat! 💎PREMIUM Members get permanent +20% earnings! ⭐GROUP Members get permanent +2 walkspeed! 👥Join our Community Server for the latest update news and sneak peeks! Credits: Scripting: Threasto & Lowoaf Building: Threasto Animations: Funeer Music: RiftRaft & SnapBloxPop Game Icon: poichikon Thumbnail & Badges: BlueyAnimations work at a diner to make your parents proud simulator
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