👑Welcome to Chest Hero Simulator! Weekly Updates & Free Limited UGCs! 👍 25K LIKES CODE: tysm88all👍 👍 30K LIKES CODE: openchest4days 👍 👍 40K LIKES CODE: chestmaster88 👍 👍 50K LIKES CODE: chestopop88 👍 👍 NEW CODE at 60K Likes! 👍 ⚔️OPEN CHESTS to get epic swords and shields! 💥BEAT DUNGEONS to get rewards! 🦄SUMMON MOUNTS to get even stronger! 🦅GET WINGS to get bonus stats! 🗡️BATTLE PLAYERS to rank up! 🤝INVITE FRIENDS to get daily rewards! 💥UPDATE 33: 1. New Promotional Skins 2. New player skills 3. New Wing UGCs! 4. Overall Optimizations LIMITED UGC for players that complete all of the quests! Make sure to complete it all so that you don't miss out! Make sure to join our group and servers to stay up to date! Featured Icon & thumbnail UGC: VowsBySaturn (Valdis, the ablaze helm)
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