Mobile and Console are supported! Graphics level 4 or higher recommended for best experience. Welcome to BUCKSHOT FRENZY, a tabletop horror game that revitalizes Mike Klubnika's " BUCKSHOT ROULETTE " into an electrifying multiplayer adventure. We have a lot of plans for future updates, such as custom animations and more skins! The game is currently in beta, so it may still present some bugs, and in that case please head to our community server to let us know about them. Step into the shadowy depths of Club Non-Liable, an underground nightclub pulsating with the echoes of long lost drum machines. Here, sinister adversaries lurk in every corner, ready to challenge your resolve. Will you confront them? This game was made with love to the ROBLOX Moderation Team. Brought to you by our beloved CEOs; GoldSebi souldrivenlove TETEMAZ Tree_Fitten
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