Inflation has hit the world MASSIVELY and you have no money left to buy any food, therefore it's time to start stealing! Earn money by stealing and selling items to your best friend Hubert. The further into the store you go the better items you can find, just make sure the guard doesn't see you. Buy upgrades to become better from bling rat ALSO USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXPERIENCE!! Premium Benefits: - 1.25x sell multiplier! - 1.25x credits in AFK world People who make the game possible: - Whiteo [Lead Developer] - Federals [VFX/Analytics] - Owen J [SFX/Music] - Comp [Map/Interior Design] - Benny [GFX/Icon Design] FYI: This game is in early development and bugs may/will happen. Please report any bugs or suggestions you have in the Nobloxia community server!
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