If you enjoy this game try the new version! https://www.roblox.com/games/6097258548/Iron-Man-Simulator-2-ALPHA?refPageId=23e142f7-93a3-4970-8a2c-9fcc958ff3a1 There is a 20 second cooldown after removing a suit before calling a new one. Press Q to bring up the suit menu and choose a suit. --Controls Q = Call suit/Enter suit F = Fly Q/E = Arm repulsors R = Chest repulsor Click = Punch M = Toggle mask/Call helmet N = Eject Backspace = Helmet off X = Destroy suit (while ejected) --Voice commands Power on/Power up Power down/Power off/Cut power/Kill power Eject Break Send suit/Give suit --tags marvel, avengers, superhero, war machine
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