New Code at 10,000 likes! 125 years ago was when they found out what was at the center of every world. After this revelation, the feral forces in charge dubbed their home galaxy "The Milky Way", after their recent findings... Lord Whiskers, commander and ruler of The Milky Way, was not perceived poorly up until this point. He had helped the planets in his home galaxy advance technologically, giving them tools such as the Galaxy Radar to make inter-galactic travel easy. Soon after the great revelation, however, planets began disappearing off the maps given to the various societies residing in The Milky Way. The Cats had realized something. Or had they known the whole time? Had they built themselves up to be the strongest body and sole governor of the galaxy, in order to finally execute this plan? Planets were being extracted ruthlessly, often decimating the indigenous societies to that world. CONE + THREASTO Like for more...... fish.. codes.... and things! v1.4
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