this abyss is ripe with loot, son. every time a game is closed, or a world is ended, or an object goes just a little too fast, it might end up here - in the void, waiting to be salvaged. join the group for autofish!!/about 🌌 FEATURES catch loot — every cast is a catch! set sail - find islands in an infinite void world! open troves — the voidfishers of the past loved to keep their treasures in troves, that now float and wait to be caught. complete quests — some customers put in special orders. get great rewards for completing them! catalog the void — over 230 different items to collect and log uncover the secrets — what hides in the abyss? Special thanks to the extremely talented: Ceronoid Photonic (@imma1humanbeing) Blog (@LuhvBlog) Zerro (@sokzerro)
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