If you pass this quiz your brain is CHOPPED😭🙏 🤓 There are 7 modes: - Easy - Medium - Hard - Nightmare - OG - RACE - INFINITE 🏆 Complete each mode to earn brainrot and coins which can be used to buy gears in shop. 🧠 Earn brainrot by answering questions and then flex your brainrot count on BETAS More updates coming soon 👀 [WORLDS???] Cred: denimdevs [SCRIPTER] icemac1210 [TESTER] icewolf6101 [TESTER] poop1210poop [TESTER] [TAGS]: Mangoes, Mangos, MANGOS, Mango, MANGO, Phonk, PHONK, Troll face, troll, face, TROLL FACE, Darius, Brainrot, QUIZ, Quiz, quiz, darius, Darius, DARIUS, Sigma, Winter arc, arc, winter, alpha, Obby, obby, Escape, Area 51, Escape area 51, obby, tycoon, king von, king, von
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