Fight alongside your friends to defeat Mr. Cube and win a badge! Defeat Mr. Cube by constantly making contact with him until his health bar is empty. But look out for Mr. Cube's attacks! Once he has defeated you with an attack he will lock you inside his cage until someone has touched Mr. Cube and freed you. Thanks for playing! Liked the game? Don't forget to leave a Thumbs Up(👍) and Favorite(🌟) . Thank you! Join the group to get a free group label and perks: Group Perks: ✨Member✨ --- Random Size Potion 💫Mega Member💫 --- +1 Diamond For Hitting Mr. Cube! --- Random Size Potion 🌟Royal Member🌟 --- +2 Diamond For Hitting Mr. Cube! --- Random Size Potion Special thanks to IoIkiller101 for his thumbnail!
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