👍30K LIKES = NEW CODE! (TOMORROW) Summary Of Latest Update: ☁️ Weather Rework - You can now see the current weather type in the top bar Time UI frame. Additionally, you can choose your preferred weather from the settings. 🙌 First Person Hands - Player hands now move with the wheel. First-person hands can be enabled in settings (beta). 🛑 Extended Stop Sign - Added customizable stop signs and a purchasable extended front stop sign (2,000). 🐞 Bug Fixes. Be a school bus driver, drive school buses and transport students to school. Earn cash and other seasonal rewards from completing routes, as well as driving around and exploring the map! School Bus Simulator currently has different playable selections, bus driver, police officer and passenger! The game is currently on beta stage so expect some bugs, if you find any feel free to let us know! Available Platforms: PC, MOBILE, CONSOLE Current Version 6.5
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