Rejoin the game whenever you add a new friend, so the game can update your friends list history! ✨List of all features✨ -) Friend List Tracker (Tracks who friended and unfriended you) -) Most Famous/Inactive/Richest Friend List (ranks your friends!) -) Real-Time Friend Notifier (Get notifications when your friends go online, offline or play a game) -) Outfit Viewer (See all outfits a player has made, and what is equipped to make each outfit) -) Morph into a player's current avatar, or one of their outfits! -) In-Game Catalog (Try on/buy items when viewing an outfit) -) Follower Count, RAP & Last Online Checker (+ more, all found on the purple board!) + MORE! [TOO MUCH TO FIT IN DESC LIMIT] ✨Favourite this place and come back in the future to see who met you and who left you✨ ⭐You can support me by liking + favouriting the game, & using Star Code MUNEEB⭐
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