Title Notice: This project has been out of development for months. We've moved on to different projects. To all players who still play, the game will still be up and running for you to play. ❓ ABOUT ❓ Project Star is an RPG game made by 10_MinuteAdRevenue and lmaginationBurst for fun. The game is inspired by a popular animated TV show series known as "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". P.S: There is a "!join [username]" command in-game! Use it to join your friends! ❗ COMMUNITY ❗ If you would like to receive announcements and/or update progress on the game join our server in the social links below! 💵 PREMIUM PLAYERS 💵 Players who have bought the ROBLOX Premium Membership will get an additional 15% EXP. 👀 CURRENT CONTENT 👀 The game currently contains content from Parts 1, 2, and 3. We will be adding more content from other parts soon. Need additional help or information? We have a Trello!
More complete statistics and charts are available on a separate page dedicated to server instance analytics for this game. Click the button below to see more!