🎨 NEW: change the color variant by pressing the "Variants" button on your topbar! (You need to load a new friend network for the variant to apply) ✨ Explore a network of all players and their connections as friends on Roblox 👥 Find the friend links between you and ANY player on roblox 🔍 See who added or removed you from friends 🛠️ Stress-Test your device by loading thousands of nodes 🥇 Special thanks to: @hamystat - for great ideas Lonegladiator (Lonegwadiwaitor) on GitHub - for maintaining the friend connection pathfinding engine Similar to: Friend Checker Tags: degree of separation, friend connections, friend map, friend graph, friend network
More complete statistics and charts are available on a separate page dedicated to server instance analytics for this game. Click the button below to see more!