This game is about a printer. That's about it. No, i'm serious! Really! But if a printer does not sounds epic to you well, let me tell you this printer is one of a kind! Have you ever seen a printer that could print ice papers or fire papers?! Well, this printer can! But this printer can't stop printing though... SO, THAT'S NOW YOUR JOB! Clean the mess... please? But if cleaning don't sounds too appealing to you, well, i got your back! There is many secrets hidden in this game, so you could stop by and looks for those if you feel like it! - GAME INSPIRED BY MISCIENCE ON RETRO STUDIO - Valentine Update! Valentine event is back alongside the Valentine Vacuum : Lovely Vacuum New Valentine Broom : Passion Broom, with a new Title "Passioned" New Valentine Shard New Rebirth Broom : Snowy Broom New Papers : Disco and Ninja Birthday event is also back, make sure to visit Colorful Cakes again! New Map : Fortune Freak (With a brand new currency limited to this map)
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