Dig to China using bombs, nukes, and more! Buy new explosives for digging, and earn points by reaching China! Rebirth to earn even more! 💣 Explode your way to China! 🌎 Discover the depths of the Earth! 💰 Unlock new explosives to dig with! 💯 Earn points by reaching China, and use them to get even better bombs! 🏠 Invest in a house to earn more points! 🪙 Unearth ancient treasures deep underground! 🤔 Can you work your way from a tiny stick of Dynamite to the mighty Tsar Bomba? 💥 And more! 💣 Join the group for a free bomb! https://www.roblox.com/groups/32453967/Rubidium#!/about Originally inspired by gamedev_happyguy's Dig to China.
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