👍 Next code at 50,000 likes! Use Code 'big25000' in-game! ⚡ Welcome to Magnet Simulator 2! This is a sequel to the infamous Magnet Simulator. In this game, you use your magnet to collect coins, level up and upgrade your magnets, collect pets which help you collect more coins, evolve pets, collect enchantments, and more! 🚨 UPDATE 4 - Code 'yayworld4' 🌋 WORLD 4 - VOLCANIC ISLAND! 💰 x2 MONEY EVENT! 🚧 5 new areas 🥚 5 new eggs 🐾 34 new pets 🧲 4 new magnets 💨 7 new speed upgrades 🎒 10 new storage upgrades 🏆 5 new achievements 🐾 New exclusive pets 🔨 Bug fixes ❓ Find a bug? Report it to 5iftyCent through messages! Credits: serverModule(@inventionrunner) - Lead Developer EnsyDev(@EnsyDev) - Builder/Modeler
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