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3 years ago
4 months ago


This game has been very interesting, with Honey Jar leaving and all. But I've had a thought for a while. If Mitten doesn't get eliminated RIGHT NOW, she's gonna win the game. Even if all her allies got to the finale, the rest would flop to Mitten for her clever gameplay. Lots of the jury love Mitten. She has been so strategic this entire time, and played a really good social game, that it's obvious they'd pick her. You guys don't realize how much of a traitor Mitten is! Jar of Nothing, you may think Mitten is on good terms with you, but trust me. She isn't. The fact I know that you’re in an alliance with her is just a red flag. But, honestly, I don't trust anything right now. So I'm using my Immunity Pass on Log.


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