Premium Payout Or "Difficult" Badge, Call It

Part of the Roblox gamePressure
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3 months ago
1 month ago


In Endless, reach room number 500.

theres no reaching room 1000th room badge cuz like do u actually want to do that? like sure its a nice round number but cmon now WHY would you put yourself through that. theres no point, theres no goal. youd be wasting your time, and for what? some achivement that in the grand scheme of things, no-one will care about? like wow congrats you held W for a few hours and pressed E every now and then. like this badge is just here for completionists, and because some people would obviously be complaining like "oooh why doesnt endless have a hard-to-get badge :(((" even tho its not really that difficult, more-so an endurance test. an endurance test against boredom.

if you go for the badge, kudos I guess. thanks for the playtime &/or premium payout.

Drawn by @TheForgottenArrow


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