Harvest Davina

Part of the Roblox gameThe Vampire Origins
Gamepass Profile
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1 year ago
1 year ago


Health - 400 Magic - 1750 Access to all of baseline davinas spells/keybinds Pluvia - Acid Rain Spell Infernos - Fire manipulation spell A Ses ###### Corporis - Ancestral Overpower Spell (Insta Kill) Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus - Harvest self resurrection (G) Keybind Errox - Bone break / fling combo (T) Keybind Stop - Freezes everyone around you (R) Keybind Telekinesis - Basic Telekinesis (N) Keybind Memory Wipe - 10 second sleep/ 10 second memory wipe - Vampires will be unable to feed on her - Access to delfan eaten cor - When someone casts a location spell on her she will have a 2 second vision of the player When using location/name spells remember to use “Harvest Davina” e.g Faire a voir la re Harvest Davina


Roblox disabled public gamepass sales visibility in late July 2020. Sales data collected up to then is still available here for reference.