Tired of waiting.. thirty.. seconds.. with every shout? Ish tha fuwwyspeak a bit tew.. ova tha tawp~? TwT Cry every time your ˢʰᵒᵘᵗ gets no reply? Have I got the solution for you! Introducing: Megaphone EX! With its ultra-futuristic embedded operating system (powered by lnrOS!) it can carry your messages across the space-time continuum with MAXIMUM efficiency! Only use as much power as you need to use -- the cooldown dynamically changes depending on your usage! No quirks -- this megaphone sends your voice through the airwaves JUST like the normal one would! It's powerful -- your message is absolutely guaranteed to be heard -- the shout is 22.222222% LOUDER! And best of all, it's customizable! Use the !mcolor command to change how it looks!