Dark Josie, the Dark Gemini Twin Species: Siphoner ❤️ Health- 350 🌀 Magic- 1000 This is the form of Josie Saltzman after becoming consumed by dark magic. This dark magic gives her access to 4 spells that no other witch has access to. Being a powerful witch, she cannot be neck snapped and Vampires cannot feed on her without desiccating. UNIQUE ABILITIES: Teleport (Q) Telekinetic Neck Snap (U) Ignis Ubique - Set everyone around you on fire Ascendo - Gain the power of levitation Autem - Cause an earthquake in the vicinity Lecutio Maxima - A damaging, dark energy blast targeted towards a user Delfan Eoten Cor - Telekinetically rip the target's heart from their chest. Ossox - Dark magic allows her to cast this on any species.