Esther Mikaelson, the Creator of Vampires Species: Witch ❤️ Health- 380 🌀 Magic- 1200 Esther is one of the most powerful Witches in history, responsible for creating the first Original Vampires. Being a powerful Witch, Esther cannot be neck snapped and has access to some unique spells. UNIQUE ABILITIES: Telekinetic Neck Snap (U) O Se Kwe Pe Se - Disable other Witch's magic in the vicinity for 2 minutes. Apparaitre Apparebis - Create a moonlight ring for Werewolves, allowing them to transform at will. Filia Maximo Morsus Advenio Donec Duo est Revertus Mors - Turn the target into an Original Vampire. Motus Corporis - Telekinesis spell, use T to throw while lifting. Incendias Decipula - Fire pentagram. Turns anyone who enters to ash. Dolore Sanguinis - Blood curse, causes immense pain to the victim and can desiccate Vampires.