Esther Mikaelson

Part of the Roblox gameThe Vampire Legacies 1
Gamepass Profile
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3 years ago
8 months ago


Esther Mikaelson, the Creator of Vampires
Species: Witch

❤️ Health- 380
🌀 Magic- 1200

Esther is one of the most powerful Witches in history, responsible for creating the first Original Vampires. Being a powerful Witch, Esther cannot be neck snapped and has access to some unique spells.

Telekinetic Neck Snap (U)

O Se Kwe Pe Se - Disable other Witch's magic in the vicinity for 2 minutes.

Apparaitre Apparebis - Create a moonlight ring for Werewolves, allowing them to transform at will.

Filia Maximo Morsus Advenio Donec Duo est Revertus Mors - Turn the target into an Original Vampire.

Motus Corporis - Telekinesis spell, use T to throw while lifting.

Incendias Decipula - Fire pentagram. Turns anyone who enters to ash.

Dolore Sanguinis - Blood curse, causes immense pain to the victim and can desiccate Vampires.


Roblox disabled public gamepass sales visibility in late July 2020. Sales data collected up to then is still available here for reference.