
Part of the Roblox game[🌴NEW MAP🌴] Mystic Magic
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1 year ago
10 months ago


This gamepass gives you access to Wandless, which has the following abilities:

- x3 Clash Power
- Is invulnerable to the Expelliarmus spell
- Longer parry length
- 5 Custom Spells:
Ignis Tempestas - Creates a storm of Fire around the user.
Glacies Tempestas - Creates a storm of Ice around the user.
Protego Diabolica - Creates a circle of Blue fire only allowing the user's friends to enter.
Protego Maxima - Creates a giant Protego Shield that only allows friends to enter.
Clypeus Deletrius - When hitting a target they turn into a large purple bubble that disintegrates anyone who touches it.


Roblox disabled public gamepass sales visibility in late July 2020. Sales data collected up to then is still available here for reference.