Unlocks all in-game Sci-Fi Vehicles. Price may change/vary depending on the current list of IC/built vehicles. Current List of Vehicles GUARANTEED to be in-game ( Viper MK II, Viper MK VII, Cylon Raider, Cosmo Black Tiger, Tie Fighter, Tie Bomber, Tie Defender, Tie Striker, AT-AT, Yukikaze (From Space Battleship Yamato), Victory I Star Destroyer, Victory II Star Destroyer, Kongo class space battleship (From Space Battleship Yamato), Arquitens class cruiser, Imperial II Star Destroyer, Y-wing, X-wing, A-wing, MC-80 Star cruiser, CR-90 Corvette, Venator class star destroyer, Int er ###### class star destroyer, The Space Battleship Dreadnought and Gamilon destroyer)