Avatar Transformation

Part of the Roblox gameChaotic Bean Simulator!! :3
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2 years ago
1 month ago


Unlocks the "Spawn As Avatar" option on the customize menu, letting you turn into your Roblox avatar with a platformer-inspired moveset!

Unlocks the following (Avatar-specific) moves:

Drift Slide (While running quickly, direct yourself against your velocity)
Double Jump (Jump again mid-air)
Crouch (Hold shift on the ground to look down at smol beans, also lets you slow down quickly)
Dive (Press shift mid-air)

You can dive twice mid-air with the following technique:

Jump > Dive > Double Jump > Dive

Important notes:

-To prevent lag, an avatar will not scale beyond a size of 10.
-Avatars will not be compatible with minigames.
-Map objects can still be interacted with.
-You will earn exp from landing and performing jump moves instead of bouncing in avatar form.
-After using a bounce pad or other velocity-based object, you will need to double jump in order to exit ragdoll state and regain control


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