Untrained Staff (Read Description)

Part of the Roblox game[📜 STAFF APPS] Equalia Falls Mental Institute
Gamepass Profile
Gamepass Icon
2 years ago
6 months ago


Once you purchase this gamepass, make a rank request to any staff member in the communications server. 

When your request has been reviewed you will be ranked to Untrained Servant, where you will have to wait to be trained. You MUST BE in the communications server to be ranked!

• You are not exempt from demotion if you buy this pass. Too many mistakes, abuse, or long periods of inactivity may result in your rank being revoked.
• If you are not in the communications server, you may not redeem this rank. 
• Refunds are not offered and not accepted by Roblox TOS.


Roblox disabled public gamepass sales visibility in late July 2020. Sales data collected up to then is still available here for reference.