Balcony Access [V6]

Part of the Roblox game[TIPS] 🍕 Soro's Italian Restaurant V7 🍝
Gamepass Profile
Gamepass Icon
4 years ago
1 year ago


This gamepass was available during Version 6. It has now been retired and no longer works. Owners of this gamepass were compensated in SoroBux in Version 7.

HOW TO USE: Go to the podium and let them know you have this special VIP so they can serve you there!

This area holds the best view of the map! By dining here, you will you be able to feel the wind blow across you as your eyes travel across every beautiful part of our map. This is a sight to see.


Roblox disabled public gamepass sales visibility in late July 2020. Sales data collected up to then is still available here for reference.