CORRUPTION Pack (w/ Exclusive "Corrupted Blade")

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8 months ago
8 months ago



Contains: Corrupted Firearm, Corrupted Blade, Corrupted Illumination

Corrupted Blade:
Under the shade of danger, one has to be able to shield themselves and fight back
Function: For a set duration "Amoral Karma" will be charged. When fully charged, a corruption aura will appear throughout the blade. When using on a nearby enemy, the user will sacrifice 44% of their current health and launch an attack on the enemy, dealing a stun to the enemy. After the initial slash, "Amoral Karma" will start charging again. Multiple charges cannot be saved. For areas with only 1 enemy, this item cannot kill the enemy. However in an area where enemies are spawned multiple times, this can be used to clear those enemies. Initial charge time (30 seconds)

Items May Be Subject To Change


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