The Administrator

Part of the Roblox gameSCP Roleplay: Area 47
Game Pass Profile
Game Pass Icon
4 years ago
2 months ago


Become the MOST POWERFUL member of the Foundation!

Grants Access to:
- Custom Morph
- 1.5x MORE XP (while this role)
- 20% Reduction in ALL incoming damage
- Ability to FIRE O5 Council members
- Omni clearance (while this role)
- Access to TWO unique weapons
- Ability to call O5 Council meetings
- Ability to make server announcements
- Access to a personal set of guards (if they're online)

If you are found abusing the commands that you are given with this gamepass, understand that your commands can be revoked, and a refund will NOT be issued.


Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?PriceJul '20Jan '21Jul '21Jan '22Jul '22Jan '23Jul '23Jan '24Jul '24Jan '252021202220232024202502k4k6k1w1m3mAll

Legacy Charts

Roblox disabled public game pass sales visibility in late July 2020. Sales data collected up to then is still available here for reference.
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?Daily Sales15. Jun22. Jun29. Jun6. Jul13. Jul20. Jul27. Jul22. Jun6. Jul20. Jul01002550751w1m3mAll
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?Revenue15. Jun22. Jun29. Jun6. Jul13. Jul20. Jul27. Jul22. Jun6. Jul20. Jul0200k400k600k1w1m3mAll

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