Unlock all of tier 1-3! Already-owned guns and perks give you in-game currency instead (up to $24,750). You are guaranteed at least $3,750 in-game extra for the default weapons, the PDW-R, M9, 870 MCS and SV98, and the default perk, Bandolier. If you own all of tier 1-3 then you will receive $24,750 in-game! 371R value (of $24,750 in-game) for the price of 199R! Note: This is a GAMEPASS so it has a 1 time effect. It will give you money for each tier 1-3 item you already own ONCE. It will always give you all tier 1-3 items you don't own. If there are new ones added, you will get them when you join a server.