If you play the Greenwood Town, and follow or are Death/Doombringers, you can join this group. I will promote you accordingly, and you can take tests for new ranks. I will add ranks. If you want to be promoted, send me a message and we will schedule a time. You can get kills, and based on your kills, deaths, and fighting style, will be your new rank. Enemies - C.O.P.S Promotion legend- Assassin ranks - Go to a session with a high rank, snipe people and stab them with knives. 50 kills needed. Less than 15 deaths needed. Gunfighter ranks - Go to a session with a high rank, shoot 50 people with guns. Kill them all. Less than 15 deaths needed. Leuitenant ranks - Follow a General, head, or warlord in-game 3-5 times, gain their trust, kill 75 people with less than 20 deaths. General ranks - Follow me and only me to in-game. Get 200 kills and less than 30 deaths. Leuitenant rank needed. Reaper - If you've become a lieutenant, message me if you are a deathbringer and you'l