Robloxian Pokemon Network

Roblox Group

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11 years ago
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4 months ago
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2 weeks ago


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Looking to hire someone to do the scripting for Pokemon Mega Fight (will pay good) if you are interested or know someone who might be interested please pm me!
7 years ago


Hello and welcome to the RPN

The RPN is about people that play Roblox that also play Pokémon games so if you want to trade or battle others you can join this group and meet other trainers fast and easy!We do shiny giveaways and we have Gym Leaders and Elite 4 members to challenge!

To apply to become a gym leader send me a PM saying so. You can challenge Gym Leader in any order but you need 8 badges to continue onto the Elite 4!

Gym Leaders:

Send me a message if you're interested.

Elite 4 members:

Send me a message if you're interested.


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Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?New MembersNov '24Dec '24Jan '25Feb '25Mar '25Nov '24Jan '25Mar '25Ma…-101-221w1m3mAll

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