Skyrian Horizons

Roblox Group

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Owned By
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11 years ago
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Tracked Since
2 years ago
Stats Updated
2 hours ago


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Check out the group store for new Nectall themed UGC!
8 months ago


👽 Visit the Skyris system and play the game!

⭐ SUGGESTIONS: Please use the community server or the group wall. We prefer the server.
🐛 BUG REPORTS: Please use the community server.
🚨 UNBANS: Please use the community server.

We have two community servers. 
The one we mostly use is only available if you are logged in and 13+ (blue icon), see our group's social links for the invite (the purple-blue icon above and to the right). You can still use Guilded (yellow icon) to post bug reports and feature requests, but we will not handle anything else here.

Users under 13 who are banned typically cannot be unbanned without the help of an adult or older user because of our server's rules. The rule is imposed by the platform. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Development group and fan group for:
- Be an Alien and Build a Nest, 2008,
- Be a Creature and Build a Nest, 2010, and
- Be an Alien: Renewal, 2016.


Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?MembersJul '23Jan '24Jul '24Jan '252024202540k50k60k70k1w1m3mAll
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?New MembersJul '23Jan '24Jul '24Jan '25202420250100200-1003001w1m3mAll

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