Stop Eating Fish

Roblox Group

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3 years ago
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🌊Our goal is simple - Inform all to stop eating fish so humans stop killing them. 

🌎 2.7 Billion fish are killed by humans every single day. By 2048 there will no longer be fish in the ocean! If all fish die, our oceans will no longer help us take in carbon dioxide which is created by cars, machines, and other things humans have created which is killing the planet. Chemicals that dolphins and whales give off in the ocean absorb 4 times the amount of carbon dioxide then the amazon forest. 

❓ How can you help? 

🔗 Every donation that this group receives will go to this group and once we are able to, we will donate to Sea she #### org., a nonprofit company fighting for animal protection, cleaning the ocean, and preventing illegal fishermen from killing billions of fish each day. 

🎞️ This group was inspired by the documentary Seaspiracy - we highly consider watching it as it goes over the main issues that are causing our oceans to die. 

🔒 Created by: @1Coai & @Vamonoz on 4/2/21


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