Welcome to the Avatar Fixing Group! Here, I give some advice on how to fix your avatars (I may be wrong, I am still human) This group was founded on April 3rd, 2021. _________________________________ You will get the “Perfected Avatars” rank if your avatar is flawless. You will get the “Needs Fixing” rank if your avatars needs some changing. _________________________________ Please keep in mind that people alter their avatars, therefore all given roles may not be accurate. Moderated Avatars = Unfixable Avatars Remember stay true to yourself! Don’t change if you don’t want to! If you think you have fixed your avatar after taking some of my advice. Rejoin! I will check if it still needs changing or if it’s perfected. Pro Tip: If you wear the winning smile, take it off, and put on basically any other face. (There are other faces that are just generally better.) If you keep your inventory public, I can give you better recommendations! Thanks for joining!