This Group is the Roblox Pride Force. We support LGBTQ+🌈, BLM✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿, and Stop Asian Hate. Our Paws Friends are welcomed to join, which is Furries.🐾 Please ask what rank you want on the group wall and we will put you in that rank. Rules- No Toxicity No Racism, H-m-phobia, or any other forms of bigotry Do not ask for Moderator or any higher ranks on the Group unless we say we are hiring. Your Roblox account must be at least a month old to join No Spamming & Trolling Do not tell and ask for information Do not discuss Political and Religious Topics Advertising is allowed, but please no spamming. Have a nice day! UPDATE: Now that this group is in new management, we are hiring!! So if you make shirts or games, apply to be a moderator by saying in the chat what you make!!