Are you a fan of Anime, Comic books, Cartoons, Scripting, Manga, Video games or movies? This is a group for The nerds of Roblox to chat about things they like. If you are kicked from this group, It's because you are a fake Nerd. PM to inform me what type of Nerd you are, And you'll be placed in your designate rank. There is a difference between a nerd and geek, Nerd's are smart, They enjoy things like Chess and Zelda. Some of the things in this group are geeky as well. Geeks are fans of things such as manga and doctor who, As nerds like chess and exams and education. I have named it "Nerds of ROBLOX" As most people think nerds are fans of things and smart. In reality that is a mix of both, So that is why I named it Nerds of ROBLOX Not Geeks of ROBLOX. Basically because most people think nerds = geeks. Which Is wrong.