Welcome to Muscular Battalion The Federation of Gay! What's this Group about: this group is where you can Chill or rp or Answer the QOTD. is there a game for this group: No, i might make a game for this group Rule 1: Rules from roblox Applies! Being Rude/Disrespectful is NOT Tolerated on the Group wall, Anybody Who is Caught being Rude/Disrespectful Will be Automatically Kicked out off the Group ~Ranks~ Silver Rank Sus Rank Switchers --------- ~High Ranks~ Administrator Rank ~Coming Soon~ Group Founded: 4/27/21 If you see Another group like Mines made by someone else That is Fake and don't join it because Mines is the Original and they copied my group on 10-4-21 and they tried making it their original group when Mines is the Original and be Aware if they change there Group Founded date to Mines then you know they are trying to make it like they came up with the idea This group will temporary no longer get updates til Beginning of 2025 thx for understanding and I apologize