:¨·.·¨: Welcome to Sel_Potato <READ DESC.> —————————————————————> ♡ ʕ◉ᴥ◉ʔ: Pending ♡peeps: member ♡cool peeps: I+ purchased ♡stylish peeps : multi purchased ♡fashionable peeps : IO+ purchased ♡exclusive peeps : 2O+ purchased ♡trendy peeps : 3O+ purchased ♡donators : donator 🍭RANK: Please type on the group wall how many clothes you’ve purchased and make sure to have your inventory open or else we cannot rank you.🍭 ATTENTION! We are not responsible for deleted assets. If an asset gets deleted we will try our best to get it back or reupload it. We do not give out refunds, roblox will eventually. RULES: No advertising groups, games etc., No asking for refunds, No bullying, No spamming, No begging for rbx, DMCA IN FULL USE! Stealing assets, recoloring, editing, tracing clothes will result in a DMCA/REPORT