This is a group to protest against the ROBLOX clothing creators who delete their clothing after people buy it! Tired of doing purchases and then the clothes get DELETED? Ask for a refund and dont get it?! Well, we are here to help you, and upload clothes that we will NOT delete! We are working on taking down the groups that abuse this power, and delete their clothing, so you can have a safe time shopping! Before buying, check who is the uploader of the item ( These clothes are often on the catalog page ) REPORT THESE GROUPS!! GROUPS NOT TO BUY FROM : Solo Clothing Maker ORIGINAL MOMMA'S ⋆ Premium Silk ⋆ Sweet Lovely Momma Kitty Shadow Kouture Kingdom MinhMaMa Sparkle Time® Clothing - 1 Stag Inc Supreme Clothing Enterprise Quality Cottons The Super Chophouse THE SUPER STEAKHOUSE - Have fun shopping, share this group! -