(MY NEW GAME) (FRIENDS GROUP) (OUR CLOTHING) Pet Giveaways: Every Day, Every Week, Every Month. ⚠️ Group rules⚠️ ⚫ Do not post scam links or you will be kicked. ⚫ No bullying. ⚫ No begging. If any of you think this is the real Pet Swarm Simulator group, it is not. The real Pet Swarm Simulator group is GameLegion Shamrock. This is just a fan group with trading, giveaways, and more !! Apologies, but advertising is no longer allowed due to people blocking more Pet Swarm Simulator related chats with their advertisements. Please do not say falsely that you have been scammed as people actually do get scammed and don’t feel that good about it. We shouldn’t be turning it into something to joke about. If you TRULY have been scammed, there is nothing much anyone can do other then report them. I apologize for that.