- est: 21.04.21 • owner: 0ddesire 2nd group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/13227139/cyberxx#!/about | RANKING ‘ — ✫ —: default ‘ babies: 1+ ‘ lethal: 5+ ‘ sinners: 15+ ‘ toxic: 25+ ‘ holy: 50+ ‘ insane: 100+ ‘ cybers: join my 2nd group | to get ranked, turn on your inventory and message the rank you are eligible to have. - RULES | no refunds are made | credits to used assets | usage of my original pieces are not permitted send ally requests (1k members & over are accepted) —╾━╤デ╦︻ tags; y2k envy grunge doll goth emo bella swan twilight alt emo vamp punk rock scene chrome lace kuromi dark ugh lost skull blood 00s subversive y3k