Lakewood College

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Welcome to Lakewood College, sessions are hosted Monday - Sunday at 17:30 whilst 18:40pm (GMT/BST). Once you join our school you will be ranked "Awaiting Approval" from this it will take up to 24 hours to be ranked.
2 weeks ago


“Aspiring for Excellence” 

Communications Invite: t5vSnQmh7n  

Lakewood College is a comprehensive school based in the United Kingdom, situated between Kent and Ramsgate City. At the heart of the city, our pupils aged between 13 and 16 develop important values, qualities and skills, as well as learning an understanding of the wider world. 

Constructing a curriculum like no other, every pupil has become enabled to be well-known and valued as an individual. We are explicit in our motto “Aspiring for Excellence”. We firmly believe that it is by embracing the fact that we are all learners, staff as well as students, that we can support and challenge each other to provide the best education for all. Inspirational teaching ensures strong intellectual development whilst outstanding provision and achievements in their studies.   

Group President: Katie Aveliade 
Gates Open: 5:30 - 6:40pm BST/GMT


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