
Roblox Group

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11 years ago
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2 years ago
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18 hours ago


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What initially got you into the path and what advice would you give to someone who's starting out? | Discoard: tk8PX4C
1 year ago


Welcome To The ROBLOX Community Of ######## & Wicca. This group hosts general discussions, in which you can chat about Witchcraft, and ######## with a great community of people of the same beliefs, or diverse views on how they percieve ######## or wicca. *This is NOT a fashion or clothing related group, do not join if that's why you're here* If you see anyone causing conflict or trouble in the group wall or game, please report it to a HR ------------------------------------------------- ############## - This member is an approved user who has beliefs in ######### Wicca or both ---------------------------------------- High Ranks - A member that has a great knowledge of ######### Wicca Or both, and has proven a wise leader. Has to have been a member for a minimum of a month. ---------------------------------------- Coordinator (moderator) - ---------------------------------------- gothybritno2 - ---------------------------------------- Monaray


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