Welcome to my kingdom! Now, here's a guideline of laws. Follow Roblox TOS at all times. You can advertise ONLY if you have approval by god, and even then, don't spam your ads. Actually, don't spam ANYTHING. Spamming is extremely annoying. Please don't beg for robux. Don't beg for ranks, it is very annoying, and chances are, it'll make me less likely to give you it. And if you wish to know how to get a certain rank, ask on group wall. Don't act like you're staff in this group unless you are staff. Do not remove anyone's ranks without my approval. If you want your own rank for free, you must be such a good friend that you'd qualify to be nobility. If you're not such an individual, you must buy your own rank via my shirt called "Get your own rank" which also gives you moderation abilities. If I am broke though you have to buy it no matter what. Demigods are my alts, DON'T TRUST ANYONE CLAIMING TO BE ME UNLESS THEY HAVE THAT RANK!!