We are the courageous adventurers that roam the lands of Bloxia. ================================= Reasons for joining: -Contests, every now and then there will come an opportunity to make a little money while helping Bloxia also. -Raids, when the group and game get big enough there will be raids organized to take down some deadly epic bosses -Fun, why play on your own when you can grab some fellow heroes and have a blast? -Updates, be notified for every patch or expansion that comes out -Support, show your support and love of Bloxia by joining and helping spread the word of Bloxia to your fellow Robloxians ================================== Beta: To join beta you must send a friend request to BloxiaBeta with an application written in it, and also agreeing to the terms of secrecy which is the following: I agree that I will not discuss what is inside Beta to anyone except Firebrand1 or other Beta Testers until it is released. Doing so will result in me being banned from Beta.