Satan's Store™🤘 Date of creation: 12/15/2021 Only the most WICKED clothing get sold here!😈😈 Looking to redeem yourself as part of the darkside? Release your inner darkness by wearing the type of clothing we provide! We design: Grunge, y2k, emo, gothic, baddie and horror themed clothing. RANKS: ✡WICKED✡ - 2+ bought ☩EMO☩ - 6+ bought ❖GOTHIC❖ - 12+ bought ☠BADDIE☠ - 19+ bought ♆DEMON♆ - 27+ bought (To be RANKED you MUST have your inventory open, and comment you want a rank-up.) 🏳️🌈As WICKEDLY AWESOME as we are, we do NOT discriminate or judge people for being different. This includes: Race, skin colour, members of the LGBTQ+ and Furry communities. We accept ALL UNIQUE People, "Things" and creatures who joins this community.🏳️🌈 🛑DISCLAIMER:🛑 We do not sacrifice robux to Satan.